Create an action

To get insight into your portfolio, you need to insert your broker actions. Do you use DEGIRO? Then you can import your actions (Import your DEGIRO account).

When you invest for multiple years ahead, it can be a lot of work to insert all your broker actions manually. To save time, it is possible to work with the Average Purchase Price of an effect. (Input actions of multiple years).

We support shares, ETFs, funds, obligations, metals and crypto.

Type of action

An action can be divided into three different types:

  • Actions on an effect:
    • Een purchase or sell action of an effect
    • Your received dividends
  • A deposit on your broker
  • Your broker costs

Start inserting your effect. It is possible to search by (company)name, symbol or ISIN number. Next, select the stock market you bought your effect on.

Is your effect or the stock market not shown? Let us know! We will try to add it as soon as possible.

An effect is not available

The stock market of an effect is not available

  • Amount of purchased or sold effects: Insert the effects you purchased or sold.
  • Purchase price or sell price per effect: The price you paid for the effect.
  • Transaction costs: The transaction costs you had to pay for buying your effect. When you have not paid transaction costs, you can leave this field open.
  • Transaction tax: Mainly with Belgian brokers you have to pay transaction taxes. This field is optional.

Dividend received

  • Dividend currency: The currency in which you received your dividend.
  • Dividend received: The amount of your received dividend, excluding taxes.
  • Dividend tax: The possible dividend tax you have to pay over your received dividend. If you do not pay dividend tax, you can leave this field open.

Has your effect undergone a share split? PDT automatically processes stock splits. Has your stock split not been processed correctly? Let us know. The data of an effect is incorrect or unknown.


Have you made a deposit on your broker account? Or did you do a withdrawal?

Broker costs

Some brokers charge costs when you trade on a certain stock market.

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