- Who did we develop Portfolio Dividend Tracker for?
- Doesn't my broker have all these features?
- Can I also use PDT if I have multiple brokers?
- I'm using an Excel sheet, is the PDT better for me?
- Does PDT have an app?
- How accurate is the exchange rate data?
- How often are effect prices updated?
- How do you handle stock splits?
- How does future dividends work?
- Does PDT also work if you only have ETFs?
- Will you also support other automatic broker imports?
- What type of effects do you support?
- Can you manage multiple portfolios in PDT?
- Do you support interest on cash or savings?
- Which cryptocurrencies do you support?
- Which currencies does PDT support when importing crypto?
- How is crypto classified in your portfolio?
- Does PDT support crypto staking?
Precious Metals
- Which metals do you support?
- What units does PDT support when entering metals?
- How are metals classified in my portfolio?
- How is my efficiency calculated?
- How does the cash position work?
- How does CAGR work?
- How does Alpha work?
- How does Beta work?
- How does Volatility work?
- How does Turnover work?
- How does Yield and Yield on Cost work?
- How does dividend growth work?
- How does Cost basis work?