Does PDT have an app?

We have not yet developed a mobile app for PDT. However, PDT is optimized for mobile and tablet use in the browser.

Tip 💡! You can easily add PDT as a shortcut on the home screen of your Android or iOS device. You do this in the following way:


  1. Open PDT in Safari.
  2. Tap the Safari share icon (square with an upward arrow).
  3. Then tap Add to Home Screen.
  4. Finally, tap Add.

Android (Google Chrome)

  1. Open PDT in Google Chrome.
  2. Tap the Google Chrome menu icon (three dots next to the navigation bar).
  3. Then tap Add to Home Screen.
  4. Finally, tap Add.

Android (Samsung)

  1. Open PDT in Internet (Samsung).
  2. Tap the browser's menu icon (the three stripes at the bottom right).
  3. Then tap Add Page To and select Home Screen.
  4. Finally, tap Add.

The shortcut to PDT has been added to your home screen. From the shortcut, you can easily use PDT with the optimal browser experience for mobile or tablet.

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